Podcast Episodes

016 | Work/Life Balance: Getting It All Done Even with a Young Family with Matt Gruber

November 2, 2021

Matt Gruber talks balancing workload and lack of sleep while being a parent with kids at home.

I'm Dan!

Photographer, podcaster, extreme empath, and certified life coach. I help photographers enjoy more family and personal time while growing their business.


If money management gives you the sweats, this is the guide for you.

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Parenting and business is a tricky balance. In the first few months of having a kiddo, it’s not too bad. You’re able to manage the work load despite a lack of sleep. Just put the baby down on a play mat and there they stay! Ohh, what a false sense of security you’re lured into!

The next few months and years are more challenging. They’ll be incredibly rewarding but not without some bumps and bruises along the way.

Putting it all together, getting it all done, and finding balance is key. If you’ve ever wondered or you’re in the thick of parenting now, this episode on finding work/life balance even with a young family is for you.

Join Matt Gruber and I as we catch up and talk about our families. Matt Gruber is an amazing photographer based out of Philadelphia. He’s a MagMod Ambassador (read: off-camera flash aficionado), shoe lover, and dad of two littles ones. Matt talks about what changed before and after he had kids, how he manages his workflow after a wedding or portrait session, and his mindset to getting it all done while still enjoy time with his kids.

This is real conversation between two self-employed, work-from-home, wedding photographer dads in the thick of one of the busiest years we’ve ever know! Enjoy!


Website: mattgruberphoto.com

Instagram: @mattgruberphoto

Facebook: www.facebook.com/MattGruberPhotography


Book on Managing Your Day: Manage Your Day to Day: Build Your Routine, Find Your Focus, & Sharpen Your Creative Mind

The Must-Read Small Business Book: The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don’t Work and What to Do About It

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I'm Dan! Life Coach, Photographer, Extreme Empath, and Podcaster.

I'm a full time photographer since Jan. 2010.
Smitten Husband since 2014
Dad x Three (one plus twins), certified life coach, Phillies fan and extreme empath. 

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If money management 
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Within this guide is how I systemized my business finances, got comfortable with a budget, paid myself a regular paycheck, crushed over $70k of debt in 4 years and have more financial freedom than ever.
Thank you! Check your inbox for the download!
If money management 
gives you the sweats, 
this guide is for you.​
Within this guide is how I systemized my business finances, got comfortable with a budget, paid myself a regular paycheck, crushed over $70k of debt in 4 years and have more financial freedom than ever.
Thank you! Check your inbox for the download!

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