Podcast Episodes

027 | Money: My Money Mistakes and How I’ve Moved On

April 5, 2022

I’m talking about all the poor money management mistakes I made and how I got my finances under control!

I'm Dan!

Photographer, podcaster, extreme empath, and certified life coach. I help photographers enjoy more family and personal time while growing their business.


If money management gives you the sweats, this is the guide for you.

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A conversation about money conjures up all kinds of feelings. For many of us, they’re not warm and fuzzy feelings. I’m no different. Most of my feelings about money came from family and environmental experiences in my impressionable years. I developed a toxic money mindset that I’d call Money Avoidance. I didn’t want anything to do with it because I believed it would change me like I thought it changed many others.

In Episode 27 of the Focused Photographers Podcast, I share how early experiences with money created some bad habits later in life. Those bad habits led to uncontrollable spending and mountains of debt. I share my journey from the tumultuous moment of staring down mountains of debt and the birth of our first daughter to a transformed, renewed, and healthy perspective on my relationship with money.

In a few highlights of this episode, I share:

  • the small spending mistakes that made a not-so-small impact on my financial situation
  • several big and stupid mistakes I made along the way that put me further behind in the journey to financial independence
  • what my first steps were after the “A-Ha!” moment that put me on the actual journey to financial independence
  • the ONE BOOK that had the most significant impact on the financial health of my business
  • the books that helped me reframe my negative money mindset, pay off debt, and organize my personal finances
  • where I’m at now with my habits and behaviors around money.

If you take anything from the episode, it’s this: Wealth is often hidden. It’s hard to study what’s hidden. Don’t confuse “rich” for “wealth.” Getting wealthy and staying wealthy requires some form of frugality and paranoia that it can all go away in an instant. Success today does not guarantee success tomorrow. The same is said with money.

And finally, JL Collins has my favorite quote about personal finance that is easy to memorize and live by:

Spend less than you earn. Invest the rest. Avoid debt.


Website: www.DanielMoyerPhotography.com

Education: www.FocusedPhotographers.com

Wedding Instagram: @danielmoyerphoto

Education Instagram: @getfocusedphotographers


Books that I mentioned in the episode:

Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey

The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel

A Simple Path to Wealth by JL Collins

You are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life by Jen Sincero


Thank you for stopping by friend! If you’re enjoying what you’re hearing, subscribe in Apple Podcasts or Spotify so you don’t miss an episode! 🙂




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I'm Dan! Life Coach, Photographer, Extreme Empath, and Podcaster.

I'm a full time photographer since Jan. 2010.
Smitten Husband since 2014
Dad x Three (one plus twins), certified life coach, Phillies fan and extreme empath. 

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If money management 
gives you the sweats, 
this guide is for you.​
Within this guide is how I systemized my business finances, got comfortable with a budget, paid myself a regular paycheck, crushed over $70k of debt in 4 years and have more financial freedom than ever.
Thank you! Check your inbox for the download!
If money management 
gives you the sweats, 
this guide is for you.​
Within this guide is how I systemized my business finances, got comfortable with a budget, paid myself a regular paycheck, crushed over $70k of debt in 4 years and have more financial freedom than ever.
Thank you! Check your inbox for the download!

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